четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

FED: Qantas to make 1,000 redundancies by June 30 =2 Sydney

FED: Qantas to make 1,000 redundancies by June 30 =2 Sydney

Qantas chief executive Geoff Dixon said the redundancies were part of an ongoing restructuringprogram the company was undertaking in response to changes in the aviation market.

"We regret the need for this action," Mr Dixon said in a statement to the AustralianStock Exchange.

"However, it is vital we move quickly to protect our position in a very difficult andcompetitive industry.

"Qantas is one of the more successful airlines in the world today. We will only remainso by ensuring our labour and capital expenditure base matches current market activity."

Mr Dixon said the restructure would involve 1,700 positions, with 1,000 redundancies,400 permanent positions being eliminated through attrition and 300 permanent positionsbeing converted to part-time employment.

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